Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Here’s Where I Go for Tech News

A couple of years ago, if you asked me where I would go to get the latest tech news (tech news for web geeks, that is), I would have said Digg and Delicious. But as we all know those sites are going downhill, so where do I go now?

Lately I have been using two websites in particular.

The first one is Techmeme. I am not sure why I didn’t like and use Techmeme back in the day, but after I started checking it regularly I became addicted. Pretty much every day I’ll open its homepage once at least, and I always find something interesting to read.

The second one is Hacker News. If you are not familiar with the term, in this context hacker simply means tech geek. Sure, the stories you’ll find on this site are slightly geared towards coders and tech people, but there also many stories about entrepreneurship, web trends, gadgets and the like.

Occasionally I also check the technology section of mainstream publications like the New York Times and specialized magazines like PC World, but quite often the stuff I find there I have already seen around the web.

What about you guys, what sites do you use to get your fix of tech news?


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